Ensuring Safe Spaces for Children and Young People: The Y Inclusion Services' Commitment

 At the heart of the Y Inclusion Services lies a profound vision: to foster environments where children and young people feel not just safe, but truly empowered. This vision isn't merely a statement; it's a tangible commitment reflected in every aspect of our operations.

Safeguarding Vision and Pillars

Our safeguarding approach is built on pillars that ensure every child and young person entrusted to our care feels secure and supported. We believe in the fundamental right of every individual to "Feel safe, be safe." This mantra underscores our unwavering dedication to creating environments where safety isn't just a buzzword but a lived experience.

Safeguarding Framework

Central to our safeguarding ethos is the belief that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Through our comprehensive framework, we empower not only our staff but also the children and young people themselves to actively participate in their safety. From education programs to reporting mechanisms, every element of our framework is designed to uphold the dignity and security of those we serve.

Safeguarding, Tell Someone

Communication is key to effective safeguarding. We encourage open dialogue, making it clear to all stakeholders that if they see something concerning, they should say something. Our commitment to transparency ensures that concerns are addressed promptly and effectively, minimizing risks and promoting a culture of trust.

Empowering Through NDIS Support

Our NDIS support services are not just about meeting practical needs; they're about empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives. Through personalized support plans, we address the unique requirements of each individual, promoting independence and inclusion.

Building Connections Through Social Groups

Connection is vital for mental and emotional well-being. Our social groups provide safe spaces where children and young people can forge meaningful connections, share experiences, and build lasting friendships.

Taking the Leap with Holiday Programs and NDIS Camps

Our holiday programs and NDIS camps are more than just recreational activities; they're opportunities for growth and adventure. In these settings, children and young people can explore new interests, develop skills, and most importantly, have fun in an environment where their safety is paramount.


At the Y Inclusion Services, afeguarding children and young people isn't just a priority; it's our core value. Through our comprehensive framework, dedicated staff, and unwavering commitment, we're creating spaces where every child and young person can thrive. Join us in our mission to ensure the safety and well-being of all by supporting our initiatives and spreading awareness of the importance of safeguarding children and young people.

Safeguarding Children and Young People


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